“Journeying with the Unconventional God” – Cindy’s Thoughts about Christmas

Unconventional God? In our way of thinking we could easily say “yes.” Maybe you have heard the stories so much that you are numb to the unusual facts. Pregnant old women and a pregnant virgin are completely crazy ideas.  Doesn’t this go further than mere “miracle?”  We can flippantly call many things a “miracle” but these are far outside of our known reality.

This God of Holy Scriptures, however, chooses to act in and on history. He is the only god that brings true life and love as we worship Him. Then, He responds to us and our deepest needs uniting our hearts to His heart where joy abounds. This is the god who longs for community and relationship. He doesn’t stick with convention or patterns or timing that we might desire.

Walter Wagnerian Jr. in Preparing for Jesus discusses these surprise stories which caught my attention in new ways in this season of waiting. First, Wangerin points to the overarching reality that the God who is known simply as, “I am,” is weaving history together to bring meaning in the “now.”  

Wangerin also points to how we may come to understand or see something of God’s “fullness of time” only in the appearing of the promise…

“Even the miracles of God, so sudden-seemingly, have been nurtured in love through the ages to the moment of their appearing. But it may be only in the appearing that God’s careful tending of this thing is made clear to us.” (pg. 27)

The writer continues to help us connect the events between the only two couples, mentioned in scripture, who were too old to have children but are blessed anyway. God intervenes and where…

“Abraham and Sarah once introduced a fresh covenant between God and earth, so Zechariah and Elizabeth now introduce the final covenant of grace, and the lines between them run unbroken —- for no other reason than that the love of God did not break against human sin!” (pg. 29)

God keeps His promise and points to a very real human activity, giving birth, as the central theme of His world. Birthing takes time. The hints are all around us. Everything was preparing the world to receive the birth of God’s own son into human history. God would overcome every barrier to bring this great gift to pass for you, for me, and for all humankind. What becomes evident in all of this is that God is indeed all powerful, He is not limited by the laws of the universe, and He is masterful at crafting the story.

God chooses the time, the place, and the people involved – his fullness of time (kairos). Yet, He also works in collaboration with people. Zechariah had prayed for a child and God was involved behind the scenes. God was ready and acting to give Zechariah more than what he had prayed for – a child who would usher in God’s anointed messiah.

We still have a response to God’s actions. He doesn’t choose to act apart from us. Our great “surrender” to His plan is the collaboration needed. Mary’s simple but deep yes to God is forever intricately enmeshed in the great salvation story… “Here I am, the servant of the Lord, let it be with me according to your word.”

Connections to Now

Here am I (Cindy), journeying with this unconventional God who chooses to act in what, on the surface, seems surprising. I, too, am up in years like Sarah and Elizabeth. It appears that Elizabeth stayed out of the public eye until the baby, John, was born. No doubt, if I were found to be with child at my age, I too, would go into hiding. While our outer worlds are different, in many ways they are similar. People still talk, bully, and ridicule others especially in unusual circumstances.

This has indeed been a year of birthing for both Rob and me. Many could question my sanity for saying yes to a new way of life (living full time in a caravan), on a new continent, in a new culture and pursuing a new role for ministry.

Does God surprise? Yes, but… was He not moving this way all along?

Consider these things…

  1. For the first three years of my life I was traveling from one church to another in evangelism with my parents while living in a camper trailer. These revival meetings sometimes lasted two and a half weeks at one church location. This was no doubt an early thread planted deep within my being. The spark for living tiny and in small spaces seemed to be rekindled in the last ten years. I didn’t know what it meant, but kept interested learning more about simple lifestyles.
  2. Serving the church community was ingrained in me early, and I thank my faithful parents who ministered to others and included our family in that process.
  3. Faith has been instilled over many years of seeing the hand of God move and provide for whatever He has called me to. Never once did we ever walk alone. Never once did He leave us on our own. So, He didn’t really surprise me when it was determined that we would need to raise vast resources to be able to reach the outback areas of Australia.

After spending nine weeks in Australia in January, February, and March, a goal of $130,000 was set just for equipment needs.  We witnessed the hand of the Lord in reaching that goal through traveling and speaking to so many faithful Jesus followers from April through July. Then, in August to find what we were needing in a used caravan on the very day we returned to Australia should not really be a surprise. Within a week, we had also located the used Land Cruiser we needed.

In October, God gave inspiration and insights for me to facilitate and lead a prayer retreat for women in Bundaberg, just after we had moved into the caravan. Testimonies of healing and forgiveness gave evidence of the Holy Spirit’s work being accomplished during those days.

We also found greater connection through the moving of the Holy Spirit in our meetings with Pastor Jongil Kim in late October. Plans were made for meeting with Pastor Jongil in the Kimberley area of Western Australia after the rainy season in early 2025.

God provides and brings to completion that which He is birthing. What seemed like a crazy dream to us and many others is now becoming a reality. As the Apostle Paul relays to us in Philippians 1:6…he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. (NIV)

Three trips down the road with Beauty and the Beast and we are continuing to learn daily how to operate in this new lifestyle. The birthing process is continuing in many other areas as well.

HUGE THANKS… Please know how grateful we are for God’s mercy, provision, and connection through many of you during this great season of change. God is blessing us with joy in relationships and beauty in this new land.

Our “unconventional” God is working even when we can’t see the trajectory. It is in the appearing of that which is promised that all becomes much clearer. The miracle is God’s providential hand in fulfilling His story! He will accomplish the work.

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